Saturday, January 28, 2006

ah-HAH! Nursing blogs review part two

Well, I have been reading lots of blogs lately. See, I put links to some over there on the left hand side?

There are lots of blogs by nurses out there in the blogosphere (remember when we used to call it cyberspace? I digress). Lots of mediocore ones, some really pathetically bad ones, and some wonderful ones. I put three of the best I've found so far in the "Interesting blogs-health related" links on the left (don't worry, those of you not featured, I can't possibly have read but a miniscule number of the total available yet...).

Digital Doorway is written by a nurse who describes himself as "work[ing] with the Latino community in a medium-sized New England city, caring for individuals with HIV/AIDS, diabetes, addiction, and sundry illnesses related to lives rife with trauma and the intergenerational effects of poverty". He also teaches nursing at a Community College. I surmise by reading the story of his day at work that somewhere in his job description are the words "case management". His post of January 27th. perfectly describes what it is like to be invited into a family's life by way of your job. Every nurse engaged in community care which includes home visiting, can relate to sitting on the dirty floor in a bedroom in a house defined (in many ways) by poverty.

Emergiblog is "the life and times" of an "Emergency Department RN"; well-written, interesting, and managing to simultaneously explain it just like it is with humor while maintaining compassion for those whose situations are described. Wow. Of course, the wonderful graphics and pictures of Cherry Ames don't hurt. You have no idea how great it was to find another nurse who confesses to the world that she started on her nursing journey thanks to Cherry. Me too!

Here is a Cherry Ames' page, BTW, for the rest of you fans.

Finally, stop by Coffee and Conversation in a Smoky Room, which describes the trauma experience of student nursing pretty well. It seems only yesterday I was in the lobby on the first day of clinical, wearing my beautiful starched white cap and apron and thinking "I must be crazy, what have I done? Good God, why did I ever think I could be a nurse, for Heaven's sake?".

30 years ago.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you know the meaning of harrassment?

4:54 PM  
Blogger mary said...


But as far as I know, it doesn't include leaving polite reponses on public blogs.


6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sadly there is nothing polite about you

8:19 PM  
Blogger mary said...

Since you are posting anonymously, I can't be certain who you are. However, I can guess by the site that is sending you here, and by your host site, which I can see in my statcounter.

Since you are apparently upset by some responses I posted to another medical blog but have removed your own, I can't send my other readers (such few that I currently have, anyway) to read the texts and decide for themselves. They can certainly read mine, however. I stand by my statement that they are polite.

When you posted on that other medical blog, you included your profile link, which sends people to your blog. I was under the impression people did this in order to encourage people to read their blogs. However, you have apparently been upset by my visiting your blog one time in this way.

You have removed my response to your question on your own blog: you asked your readers if you had over-reacted, and I responded that you had. Perhaps I responded to what you intended to be a rhetorical question, and if so, I apologize for taking the question seriously.

Further, when I noticed that you had deleted your own posts, and my post, I thought you might be upset for some reason, and emailed you using the address found on your guestbook on your blog. Perhaps this is what you mean by "harrassment"? However, I highly doubt a civil email sent to the address you yourself placed on your own blog, apologizing for giving any possible offense, could be construed as harrassment. It certainly was intended to be exactly what it was: an apology for possible unintended offense.

However, posting anonymous aspersions on a blog repeatedly stating that I am not polite could possibly be construed as harrassment, and while I cannot tell precisely where you are posting from, Blogger can.

I would like to politely request that you stop sending these comments. If I have mistaken you for someone else and you, in fact, can show me where I have been impolite, please feel free to email me at any time. My email is available on my profile. I will promptly apologize for any unintended insult.


12:17 PM  
Blogger Keith "Nurse Keith" Carlson, RN, BSN, NC-BC said...

First of all, Mary, thank you for so kindly profiling my blog in this post. And, yes, my official title is "Nurse Care Manager", with no appreciable difference from a "Case Manager".

Second, I have difficulty understanding what "Anonymous" is trying to convey to you, but commenting anonymously on another's blog when making personal assertions about that individual's personality is quite suspect. I would encourage "Anonymous" to communicate with you directly by email. If he or she does not want you to have his or her personal email, then this person could create a free Hotmail or Yahoo account for just such correspondence.

Thanks for your thought-provoking site, as always...

10:37 AM  
Blogger Jo said...

My blog reading has suffered the past few weeks thanks to school, I just saw this.
Thanks for the plug! ;)
And I'm sorry things went sour with anon. up there.
Take care,

7:34 PM  
Anonymous LPN Programs said...

cities are losing many young families because they are focusing too much luxury apartments and not on family oriented high density housing types grew up in the suburbs and they know how boring it is.

3:11 AM  

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